Africa Link Union (ALU), an international news media association, is initiated by CCTV+ (CCTV News Content) and media organizations across Africa in 2016.

In the context of media and technology convergence, ALU devotes itself to exploring how advanced technologies increase the competitiveness of the African news media, converging news content from China and Africa, developing the value of local news from Africa and sharing stories of Africa with the world.

News Content Aggregation

Relying on the advanced distribution system, ALU will collect and display Chinese and African news content provided by its members at anytime and anywhere. With these aggregated content, ALU promotes the collective interests of its members and offers the opportunities for regional and international co-operation between ALU members and over 1,600 international TV channels.

African News Content Distribution

ALU offers members access to upload local news stories through CCTV+’s Africa Link transmission system and on to CCTV+’s Global Distribution System (GDS), spreading the voice of African countries across the world.

Access to Chinese Film and Television Content

ALU offers Chinese film and television content at a special membership rate from CCTV+’s partner CHINA RADIO, FILM & TELEVISION PROGRAMS EXCHANGING CENTER, CHINA INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION CORPORATION, with some selected content offered free of charge.

Training & Development

ALU organizes regular seminars and workshops every year to discuss news coverage, program production, advanced technologies’ application, media developing trends, copyright and business models. In addition, annual ALU Awards will also be presented to outstanding African news content and programs.
ALU shares stories of Africa with the world!